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Cycling UK Wantage AGM |
Leader:John Tranter |
Start Time:7:00 pm |
Start Location:Challow and Childrey Cricket Club |
Description:The 2018 Cycling UK Wantage AGM will be held as follows:Logistics: Date - Monday 22nd October 2018 Time - 19.00 for food, 19:45 for business Location - Challow and Childrey Cricket Club, Vicarage Hill, East Challow, Wantage, OX12 9RR Food details: The Cricket Club has a good bar and we are bringing in the food courtesy of Smarts fish and chip shop in Grove (under new management, but they seem keen). Menu choices are given below, please let me know your choices by THURSDAY 18th OCTOBER so I can pre-order with the shop. Exact money on the night please. cod and chips £4.50 pie and chips £3.80 (steak & kidney, mince & onion or chicken pie) pasty and chips £3.80 spring roll and chips £3.00 (v) Please deduct £1.50 if you do not want the chips. (v = vegetarian) Please let me know at: john@tranters.net Agenda: 1. Open and apologies for absence 2. Minutes of 2017 AGM 3. Matters arising from 2017 AGM 4. Chairman's Report 5. Ride Secretary's Report 6. Membership Secretary's Report 7. Treasurer's Report 8. Publicity Report 9. Oxfordshire Cycling Network Update 9. Election of Committee Members for 2018-19 10. Motions for AGM Discussion (if any) 11. Presentation of Trophies 12. Close The following people have indicated they are willing to stand in the roles shown for next year: Chairman & Membership Secretary: John Tranter Secretary: Jo Little Treasurer: Roger Postbeschild Rides Secretary: Jon Townsin Publicity: Steve Boreham General Committee Members: Steve Swanton, Karen Townsin, Stephanie Haddrell, Diana Whidborne If there are any additional nominations, please provide a proposer and seconder to Sara (secretary@ctcwantage.org.uk) by MONDAY 15th OCTOBER at the latest. Any member can put forward a Motion for discussion at the AGM. Again, please submit any Motions to Sara (secretary@ctcwantage.org.uk) by MONDAY 15th OCTOBER at the latest. I really encourage as many of you as possible to come along to the AGM - it is a very useful way to get a good overview of what the Club does and how things are progressing. |
Riders:Andy CowanAndy Pixton Barry Stanton Carin Tranter Clare Hazell David Bridge David Jackson David Lynch David Smith David Talboys Des Higgs Diana Whidborne Gareth Smith James Bosley Jan McCabe Jane John John Groves John Hibberd John Tranter Jon Townsin Julie Haynes Karen Townsin Karl Blake Lorna Swanton Martyn Wigmore Nick Dunton Nick Portsmouth Paul Jarvis Pete Wrench Phil Ward Robin Tucker Roger Postbeschild Sara Ward Sian Mitchell Stephanie Haddrell Steve Boreham Steve Swanton Susan Holdroyd Val Smith Yvonne Bird Riders = 40 Report:Thanks to all who attended. The business was concluded as communicated beforehand and the new Committee is established as proposed.It only remains to reveal the winners of the two Club prizes, Best Club Person and Best Newcomer: For Best Club Person, the Committee was very clear that this needed to go to the wonderful Des Higgs. Des is a stalwart of the Club and the sort of person who is always going to go the extra mile (sometimes literally) and help out with what ever is needed. Of course, his lovely wife Chris and her amazing cakes feature in there somewhere too! In some ways Best Newcomer was slightly more difficult, but only because we have had a very strong set of people riding with us for the first time this year and making their mark. So we decided to give honourable mentions to: - James Bosley - Clare Hazell - Julie Haynes But the winner is Di Whidborne for her amazing attendance on so many 1* and 2* rides this year and her wonderfully positive approach to club life. | ||
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